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Lever Taps

Quarter turn lever taps can be installed inside the home to replace ‘hard to turn’ or dripping taps. Our style also includes colour markers so that hot and cold taps are easier to identify.  These are a very popular style of taps as they can be easily operated with one finger, if needed.

Outdoor brass lever taps

Brass lever taps can be installed to taps outside of the home. These can replace taps that are quite difficult to turn and can be used to replace leaking outdoor taps. 

Quoss Transformer Mixer & Mixer Taps

A Quoss mixer transforms the old ‘2 tap system’ into a single flick mixer style. The mixer can
be fitted to most shower breech systems and can sometimes be installed to fit vertical taps.

Our plumber can also install mixer taps to replace existing mixer taps in the kitchen

Hot Water Tempering Valve

Tempering valves are installed to prevent scalding from hot water when it comes out of the faucet. It works as a mixing tool to blend hot and cold water to ensure constant and safe outlet temperatures. 

Entire toilet suite Swap over

We can provide entire toilet suite swap overs so that client’s toilets are better suited to their individual needs.

Hand Held Shower Hose on Sliding Rails

Similar to a hand held shower hose, this unit consists of a chrome high pressure head and 2 metre shower hose that attaches to a 600mm stainless steel knurled grab rail. This allows the shower head to be adjusted to any height along the rail, and can also be used as a hand held shower.

Hand Held Shower Hoses

This unit consists of a chrome high pressure head and a 2 metre shower hose. The hand shower can be installed in place of an existing shower rose with a non drilling hook.
Additional chrome hooks can be installed upon request.
If both the existing rose and hand shower hose are required, a switchcock diverter can sometimes be installed.
This device allows the water flow to be diverted from either outlet using a push/pull motion.

Bidet installations

The installation of a bidet assists clients with their personal health and hygiene when toileting. The bidet is fitted to the top of the toilet, replacing the existing toilet seat, and uses water to gently clean the buttocks/genitals. This eliminates the struggle of wiping and reduces fall risk (as there is no more bending or twisting involved when wiping). 

We recommend that our plumber conducts a site visit to ensure the client’s toilet/plumbing is suitable to fit a bidet, as well as what style of bidet is required.

In order for a bidet to be installed, an 80mm spacer or RPZ valve is required. Alternatively, we highly recommend the InteliClean bidet as it has a built-in high hazard back flow device which means an 80mm spacer or RPZ valve is NOT required.
If the InteliClean does not fit the client’s existing toilet, we can arrange to have the toilet swapped over to a compatible style.

Note: A power point is required next to the toilet in order for a bidet to be installed.